+91 98250 61436 +91 96242 00128

Download List of Required Documents

  KYC Doc List
Co-operative Soiety Company Resident Individual/HUF Resident Partnership Firm
Certificate of Registration Pan Card Passport Passport
Power of Attorney Certificate of Incorporation Pan Card Pan Card
Official Document Memorandum of Association Voters Card Voters Card
Company Resolution Article of Association Driving License Driving License
Telephone Bill Power of Attorney Bank Statement Bank Statement
Telephone Bill Ration Card Ration Card
Agency Appointement KYC Form Certificate of Registration
KYC Form Telephone Bill Partnership Deed
Passport Light Bill Power of Attorney
Voters Card Agency Appointment Official Document
Driving License IEC Copy Telephone Bill
Bank Statement Certificate of Registration Agency Appointment
Ration Copy IEC Copy
IEC Copy Light Bill
Certificate of Registration KYC Form
Light Bill